Ever since I was a little girl, I have been fascinated by relationships. I paid close attention to marriages that thrived despite the challenges faced. I paid attention to the many dysfunctions and which marriages survived in spite of them. I also tracked relationships that didn't make it despite the appearance of "having it all". As I got older, I recognized what a huge role intimacy plays in a successful and thriving marriage. But there is a problem: The western culture at large does not empower women to foster their sensuality or secure a solid sense of self. Women are taught to be ornamental and settle for being objectified for a man's pleasure. A woman's pleasure is seen as a secondary function to their male counterpart. I was very unsettled by this and I did not want to accept that as the normal for my own relationship.
Over the years of my own marriage, I realized how my own sense of self directly correlated to the happiness level of not just myself, but my husband as well. The more secure I became with my sexuality the better our relationship was. I became obsessed with how I could learn more to bless my marriage and eventually my clients as well. Every girls' night I attended ended up turning to the topic of sex. I became the resident "sex coach" at each gathering. I realized that many of my friends were lonely and anxious in their marriages. I recognized that as Christian women, there were limited resources to empower ourselves with. The information was either over-sexualized or so focused on religion that it was not helpful in the realm of sexuality. So I set out to correct that by learning, listening and soaking up as much information on the topics of female sexuality, eroticism and healthy relationships as I could get my hands on. Now, all these years later, I offer coaching to women who are hungry for more just being "the good wife" and becoming "The Great LOVER".
This proven process will enable women to awaken and cultivate their own desire and sexuality that is independent of anyone else. I believe that unearthing the divine feminine will stand to bless and strengthen the sacred union of marriage. I am here to guide you along this beautiful journey of recognizing your worth, undoing the false narrative given to women, forging a more solid sense of self and incorporating new techniques that will help you maintain a healthy and passionate marriage.
My husband Stephen and I have been married for 18 years and we have 3 amazing children. We are lifelong Christians and our faith plays a primary role in our marriage, parenting and business practices.